A few new tenants have arrived!
An introduction to the thousands of new tenants at One Oakbrook Terrace.
A resident beehive has been introduced to our property.
We are proud to take part in the movement for a more eco-conscious city by installing a beehive near our pond! Starting TODAY we will be the host of our very own beehive! Our thousands of new colleagues will pollinate the urban flora that surrounds us during the summer. At the end of the season, we’ll harvest their honey and share it with you.
Urban Beekeeping is a great way to educate city dwellers to the crucial role of bees in food production.
Populations of bees, butterflies, bumblebees and other pollinators are in rapid decline all over the world.
Bees pollinate more than 130 varies of fruits and vegetables around the globe-that’s a third of our food supply.
What about stings?
Don’t fret! Bees really aren’t interested in human beings. They have one goal, and one goal only; to collect nectar and pollen from flowers within a 3 mile radius of their hive, and bring it back to ensure the colony’s development. Plus, bees die when they use their sting. It causes them to lose their stinger and a part of their abdomen – meaning they really have no interest in doing so, unless their colony is threatened. When visiting the hive, please keep your distance, stay calm and move slowly.
Take Flight with Alveole!
Our project is realized in collaboration with Alveole, a social beekeeping company. Since 2013, Alveole has partnered with hundreds of companies and schools on beekeeping projects. Each hive creates greater ecological awareness, allowing city dwellers to reconnect with nature and adjust their sense of responsibility towards the environment.
Feel free to follow along with our Beehive’s social media page! Our personal beekeeper Dana McMullin will be updating this page on how our hive is doing, how far the Bees are traveling and even when workshops are being held!